In truth, there are a number of behaviors that are considered poor form when in the gym. So it's more accurate to say How Not to be Any of THOSE Guys at the Gym. Avoid being these guys and contribute to the overall sanity of the gym-going world.
The Grunter

You've encountered this rare breed before. With every rep he sounds like a mule giving birth to twins. Let's be clear, we're not condemning The Grunter as a person. He may very well be a complete scholar and gentleman...who screams like he just got a limb chopped off when he lifts.
Yes, exhaling when lifting is important but The Grunter turns every lift into an Olympic Shotput event.
But it's very important to separate the behavior from the person. It just makes life easier. And yes, exhaling when lifting is important but The Grunter turns every lift into an Olympic Shotput event. It's simply unnecessary and borderline rude to be exhaling or grunting or yelling so loud that people across the gym or on the second floor can hear you and reasonably think you're injured or dying.
I Don't Rerack My Weights Guy

The gym is a mini society and subject to the tragedy of the commons. Don't add to the tragedy by not putting back the weights in their proper place after you're done throwing them around for a bit. We could rattle off a bunch of ethical precepts about the positive effects of doing the right thing but that seems unnecessary.
The gym is a mini society. Putting the weights back is the right thing to do and adds to the overall enjoyment of everyone who is paying their monthly dues.
We already know putting the weights back is the right thing to do and adds to the overall enjoyment of everyone who is paying their monthly dues. So why don't we do it all the time? Who knows, and let's not live in the past or in hypothetical universes. Let's just resolve to put the weights back when we're finished and be done with it. Maybe it'll lead to other positive effect in you life. Stranger things have happened.
The Insufferable Flirt

The rumors are true, gym chicks are hot. And they seem to be getting even hotter given that gym attire seems to be painted on and more suitable for the beach or bedroom these days. No one here is complaining and there's nothing wrong and plenty of things right about picking up a chick at the gym. But I provided myself some wiggle room with the "insufferable" part.
Just don't make flirting with chicks the main reason you go to the gym and don't let it take up too much time.
Just don't make flirting with chicks the main reason you go to the gym and don't let it take up too much time. When you see the girl you simply must approach, do it. But keep it short and to the point. I've seen it (and done it) in person. The guys who make their intentions known right from the start do much better. Get her number or make plans to do something after the gym sesh is over. Don't try to insert yourself into her workout or give unsolicited fitness advice to sorta maybe flirt, if she's into that kinda thing. Be brave, not insufferable.
The Social Butterfly

The benefits of working out with a friend or a group of friends are undeniable. Friends makes working out even more enjoyable and can help us set and achieve goals. But you need to be careful not to simply use the gym as a place to shoot the breeze and talk about everything and nothing at the same time.
The gym just isn't the time or place for socializing because there are other people to consider.
The gym just isn't the time or place for it because there are other people to consider. Sure, if you're having dinner or enjoying a beer with friends feel free to talk about the inexplicable and potentially alien origins of the Egyptian pyramids for hours on end but don't have this conversation during your sets of front squats. You can socialize for real away from the gym.
The Free Advice Giver

It may be true that the best things in life are free. But that doesn't mean that all free things are good. This is especially true when it comes to giving advice at the gym. It may not be arrogance that compels a person to give unsolicited advice at the gym but it is annoying all the same.
Unless the person is performing a lift so dangerously or incorrectly that he/she is likely to suffer an injury, there's simply no good reason to walk up to a perfect stranger and toss a ball of free workout advice their way.
Unless the person is performing a lift so dangerously or incorrectly that he/she is likely to suffer an injury, there's simply no good reason to walk up to a perfect stranger and toss a ball of free workout advice their way. Even if you're a personal trainer there are much better ways to market yourself that the unsolicited advice route.