Ah, vacation. It's the week or two everyone looks forward to. Most of the time we work on our beach bodies for our vacation. But once we get there it's easy to slack off. Read our sure fire ways to keep up the cardio and keep your beach body even after the vacation is over.

Take a Dip
Hands down the best full body, low impact cardio workout around. Whether you are at the beach, pool or lake. Swimming will get your heart pumping and your body toned. For a quick swimming workout try...20 minutes of swimming, alternating strokes. Keep track of how many laps you do and try to beat that number the next time. Got kids? Tread water for 5 minutes at a time. Treading water can burn up to 400 calories an hour. Not too shabby for hanging out in the deep end.

Go For a Hike
Trees, streams and rocks, oh my! When you set out to hike you never know what you will encounter. Hikes can last anywhere from thirty minutes to 3 hours, depending on your skill level and the trail you pick. Remember to be prepared. Pack water, a snack, bug spray and a hat. Know where you are going and always stay on the trail. The elevation change, climbing over boulders and scaling across a broken branch over a stream will all burn more calories than an average walk on the beach.

Not your average Beach Walk
Not down for climbing over boulders? Try going for a beach walk. I'm not talking about the packed sand by the water. Head to the softer sand where you want to lay your towel when you are done. Beach walking is a great workout that also works your stabilizer muscles. Don't just throw the flip flops off and head out. Remember to put your running shoes on. Unless of course you want some achy calves and ankles. Start out slow to allow your feet and ankles to get used to the uneven ground. For a challenge throw in some lunges, crab walks and karaokes.
Get Cycling
When you just don't want to get in the pool and your feet are tired too for a run. A long bike ride is a great way to see some of the sights where you are staying all while getting ?in some low-intensity cardio exercise. Make a day of it. Start out in the morning, stop for lunch, do a little shopping and then head back. You'll burn calories without even trying.
Tee It Up on the Golf Course
Not just your dad's sport anymore. Golfing while using an electric cart would be more of an activity than a workout. If you really want a butt kicking workout, walk the course and carry your clubs. You can burn up 1,500 calories for 18 holes of golf. Not bad for a Saturday on vacation. Need a golf lesson before your vacation? Alluvit has certified golf instructors in your area.

Play Some Tennis
Like golf, a game of tennis can be as easy or hard as you want it to be. Chasing the ball and hitting it like you are in the finals at Wimbledon will give you a serious workout, burning up to 400 calories for an hour long match.
Happy Vacationing!!